
Divine vigor feat 3.5
Divine vigor feat 3.5

divine vigor feat 3.5

Prerequisite: Rage 5x/day, chaotic alignment Specifics: Add +1 to the bonus on Listen, Spot, and Taunt checks and damage rolls against all your favored enemies. Prerequisite: Five or more favored enemies. Not sure if this one is the best match, maybe search or spot would be better. Since this skill doesn’t exists I decided to change it into discipline. Remarks: in DnD rules this feat requires 30 points in Survival skill. Creatures immune to critical hits can’t be affected by this feat.

divine vigor feat 3.5 divine vigor feat 3.5

Specifics: Any time you score a critical hit against one of your favored enemies, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your ranger class level + your Wisdom modifier) or die instantly.

divine vigor feat 3.5

Prerequisite: Bane of Enemies, Discipline 30 ranks, five or more favored enemies. I will post detailed list of these feats soon. Dexterous Will and Fortitude might even crash if I messed it - the code for these two feats is inside new plugin nwncx_prclite (I made new plugin because I had no idea how to make this feature dynamic in good way so it didn’t fit into nwncx_patch). New feats might have incorrect name/description and they might not work.

  • fixed monk UBAB not working on Sacred Fist without monk.
  • added fist of iron into every base class radial menu.
  • vanilla classes will now be able to select some of the new general feats as bonus feat.
  • Practiced Spellcaster (Wizard) will now be choseable only when levelling up wizard) the feat will be selectable only when levelling certain class (example.
  • reworked older custom general feats to be class-specific, ie.
  • added epic spells to be bonus feats for druid and cleric to match DnD epic levels manual.
  • rebalanced some of the prestige classes epic bonus feats to match DnD epic levels manual.

  • Divine vigor feat 3.5