
How to add icons to windows 8
How to add icons to windows 8

how to add icons to windows 8

The icon will work for all icon sizes that are required on Windows 10 however, the quality will depend on the original file that you uploaded. The icon files will work perfectly for Windows 10 even though the app doesn’t say so.

how to add icons to windows 8

Click the download button and save the file to your desktop. Click Convert ICO and the image will be converted to an icon. It will save you the time spent on selecting a size for the image. Make sure that the ‘ICO for Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista and XP’ option is selected. You can skip steps 2 and 3 and scroll down straight to step 4. Once you have the image, visit IcoConvert and upload it. If you’re downloading images to use, make sure that they aren’t copy right protected. We strongly recommend that you use an image that is a square or it will be stretched or squished. It can resize images as well as apply a shape style. There are tons of tools for creating icons from PNG and JPG/JPEG images but we recommend using IcoConvert. If, however, you have the Chrome icon in PNG format and it is transparent, the icon too will have transparency. When you convert it to an icon for Windows 10, the white will still be visible.

how to add icons to windows 8

If you have this icon in JPG format, there will be a solid white box around. This means that icons created from a JPEG file be ‘filled’ in. PNG files support transparency whereas JPG and JPEG files do not. The difference stems from the difference between the PNG and JPG file formats. PNG vs JPGĪlthough you can convert either a PNG or JPG file to an ICO file with this method, there will still be one major difference between the icon file that you get. If you have a PNG file, or even a JPG, you can convert it into an icon file that will work on Windows 10. If you do not have the technical skills needed to create icons for Windows 10, you’re not necessarily out of options. You might have trouble finding the right icon though and a simple ICO file may not do the trick. If you want to replace icons for certain apps or files on your system, it’s pretty easy to do.

How to add icons to windows 8